Mike Swayze
mswayze at
Wed Nov 3 19:32:36 GMT 1999
CPI looked to be both simpler and cheaper.I am kinda a newbie.
SFI would be impressive though.
At 01:23 PM 11/3/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Mike,
>Welcome aboard!
>I am curious why you want to go with CPI, which is a compromising batch
>injection setup as opposed to true Sequential port injection?
>At 01:10 PM 11/3/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>>My name is Mike. I graduated NC State in 1985 with a BSME. I have a couple
>>of 39 plymouths for project cars--one very good condition 4- door sedan and
>>one seriously in need of channeling and sectioning coupe. My donor car for
>>the sedan is a 75 olds cutlass-350/350. I am in the process of researching
>>fuel inj. options for this motor and from what I have read, I hope to be
>>able to scrounge up a vortec cpi setup to modify. I am new to diy_efi and
>>am still trying to digest what I have read so far. any help would be
>>What I hope to be able to do is to fabricate a sheetmetal tunnel ram type
>>manifold for use with port type cpi(I have only seen pictures of this and
>>have not been able to get a parts rundown yet).
>>The manifold would be laser cut from plate and tubing with a seperate
>>valley cover. I have not been able to get a parts rundown on 5.7l vortec
>>FI. Time frame on this phase of my 4- door sedan is approx. 2-yrs. so I
>>have time for plenty of research. I have just recently completed the
>>installation of front susp. on the frame and am fabricating parts for
>>mounting the rear susp... motor and trans, steering column, wiring etc.
>>should come about this time next year.
>>If there are websites or manuals with detailed info on the vortec or other
>>cpi port type fi. please let me know
>> From what little I have read I am wondering what stoichiometric? equations
>>are involved in calculating the values in the various ecm tables or if they
>>are strictly from experience(experimentation).
>David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT at
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