165 UART chip (used for 8192 ALDL)

Matt Tomlins mattpw at ozemail.com.au
Thu Nov 11 02:56:05 GMT 1999

I would be interested to see the data sheets if they are available.

mattpw at ozemail.com.au
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gmecm at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu
[mailto:owner-gmecm at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu]On Behalf Of
vk265 at ozemail.com.au
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 6:02
To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: 165 UART chip (used for 8192 ALDL)

It's not a UART......

It's something very simular to a MAX232..
I have the full datasheets for this chip..
I got a them from the hourss mouth (delphi)

here is the pinout..

1,2,3,4,5,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,26,27,28  are all GND

6 tx in
23 tx out
8 rx in
11 rx out
21,22 Vcc
24 tristate enable

th other pins basically have caps and resistors hangind off them to setup
the internal filters for filtering out noise..

apart from a few caps and resistors 11 in total to be exact... and of course
the power and ground wires.
there is only 3 wires that go from this chip U2 to the uP CPU .


Yes I know a MAX232 converst to rs-232 levels this chiop doesn't all I'm
trying to say is it isn't a UART
its does a simular job as a MAX232 it converst a standard digital TTL signal
into something else..

If anyone is really really intereted in more information I will see If I can
dig up the datasheets.
I am too lazy I just bought the next model up ECM with U2 already installed.
It was easier...

> Hackers,
> The 1227808 is missing the 1227165's UART (this is ,
> a 28 pin (7x4 QFP) and is used for the 8192 ALDL data
> stream because the CPU (apparently) does not have the
> usual HC11's SCI interface (at least this is what I've
> been lead to believe from various questions...).
> Does anyone have any information on the UART, with a
> view to finding a replacement, clone, upgrade, etc.?

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