Majordomo Hosting for EFI lists
Toby Corkindale
tjcorkin at
Thu Nov 11 07:20:25 GMT 1999
I can't help the list out with bandwidth, since Australia lags behind
the rest of the world in bandwidth availability...We only just got 56k
modems, but most of the phone lines barely support it anyway. *sigh*
Oh, and we pay $0.17 per Mb, so even if we did have decent connections,
you pay thru the nose for it anyway.
HOWEVER, if you need any help setting up a linux box, I'll help out
however I can.
I'm pretty good with ipchains, ip forwarding, routing, DNS, etc. etc. so
let me know what you need help with, and I'll either telnet in and do
it, or else like, send me the files and i'll send em back ;)
Linux is harder to use than NT, but it's well worth it. Our linux boxes
don't need to be rebooted, they don't crash, and they run fast. By
comparision, NT seems to need rebooting every day or two or else it
slows down a lot, and I've seen that bluescreen too many times in a day.
Frederic Breitwieser wrote:
> Orin/Steve/et al, I might have some bandwith left on my poor wimpy
> modems for a list or two, but I'd need some "rough" bandwith
> calculations to really determine if its doable here, with my
> configuration "as-is", mearly adding a list or two. My server is a
> dial-up server with a dedicated IP address, utilizing two 56K modems in
> parallel, using somethign called multilink, which in a nutshell, means
> the two modems appear on the internet as one modem, sharing an IP
> address, combining the bandwith for a pitiful 112K max baud. I
> currently use NT for my firewall, my exchange server, my web and ftp,
> and my linux majordomo box quietly hides behind the exchange server,
> using exchange as a relay (from the inside only), so it doesn't need DNS
> information. It assumes the exchange box can figure it out.
> Anyway, I did some preliminary testing of performance this evening, and
> found that Linux, with its magical ability to have the OS/programs talk
> directly to the hardware, can offer 30% gain in ability to use bandwith
> over NT 4.0 with any service pack release. Exact hardware.
> So if Orin & Steve run out of options, or cannot find a service that
> will host the list(s) for a reasonable amount of money, maybe we can do
> it here at Xephic. Hardware is clearly not the problem. Even though
> most of the boxes are not new spiffy pentiums 400's (they are actually
> much older clunkers), I do have tons of disk space available, have a
> tape library system for proper backups, several CDROM towers, UPS power,
> and "data center" like floor mounted racks mounted in an airconditioned
> basement that could be used as necessary. I can even configure
> majordomo, however what kills me is the ipchains/ipfwadm firewalling,
> sendmail, dns, and other configurations, which would be necessary for
> "My" stuff to remain in place. I can do this all in NT exchange/proxy
> with my eyes closed, but not in Linux, at least not in a very short
> period of time.
> I can offer the hardware, hosting, storage space, but I'd need a few
> hands helping me set all this stuff up properly, and reliably. Anyone
> up for a Beer/BBQ party one weekend before the end of the year?
> --
> Frederic Breitwieser
> Xephic Technology
> 769 Sylvan Ave #9
> Bridgeport CT 06606
> Tele: (203) 372-2707
> Fax: (603) 372-1147
> Web:
..I started out with nothing...and I still have most of it left
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