68HC11 Macro Assembler - Alpha version

Peter Gargano peter at ntserver.techedge.com.au
Fri Nov 12 01:28:25 GMT 1999

Fellow GM ECM enthusiasts,

Over the last few months I've written a macro assembler for 
the 68HC11. I've run out of time (for the moment) to complete 
the documentation that would allow a beginner to start using 
it, but I'd like some testing/usage by experienced hackers to
confirm that it does what's intended.

I want interested parties to contact me directly if they want a 
copy (please don't reply to "gmecm" list).

  mailto:peter at mail.techedge.com.au?subject=ASHC11_request

If you don't know why it's a MACRO assembler then you probably
shouldn't get this - wait until I have a Beta product with
documentation that'll describe it all. But for the initiated
(sorry!) here is small list of "features" (I cut and pasted 
this from some preliminary doco):


MACROs may have embedded definitions (ie. macros defined within 
  another macro) and may call other macros (including themselves) 
  from within the macro definition. 

LOCAL labels used to avoid symbol name clashes may be defined 
 within macros. Compound arguments (ie. arguments containing 
 embedded arguments) may be passed to macros. Early macro exit 
 is possible with the EXITIF clause. 

Repeat blocks using REPT, IRPC and IRP can be declared. 
  REPT blocks repeat a section of code a certain number of times. 
  IRPC blocks repeat a block of code and iterate each pass
  with the next character from a supplied string. 
  IRP is supplied with a list of arguments that are used 
  successively for each iteration. 
  LOCAL labels can also be used within repeat blocks. 

Conditional assembly is supported with the standard IF, ELSE, ENDIF
  construct. An ELSEIF clause allows more complex expressions to 
  be expressed quite simply. 
  An IFD and IFND adds a test for symbols being defined or not.     Conditional expressions can be nested to many levels. 

INCLUDE files are supported to multiple levels with full listing   support. 

Enhanced expression analysis - using simple left to right parsing 
  with the addition of brackets allowing arbitrarily complex 
  expressions to be created on a single assembly line. No 
  complex hierarchy rules need be learnt. White space can be 
  freely used to make expressions easier to analyse. 

Multiple formats are supported for different number base schemes 
  (eg. 100B, or %100 are equivalent, as is $FF and FFH). 

I know there are any number of 68HC11 assemblers out there, but 
it would take a long time to explain why I wrote another (see the
doco., it'll be explained there!).

It's a DOS program and it's less than 30 kbytes in size. It
has a command line interface and generates S19 & HEX files.

  If you read down to here, then I should explain that I've 
  released my assembler now because I want to start work 
  on some software that could best be described as a 
  "dissassembly configuration managent utility". This is in 
  the embryonic/conceptial stage (no code actually written).

Peter Gargano

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