[admin] What next.... (MUST READ)
Ross Myers
ponty at axis.jeack.com.au
Thu Nov 11 10:35:51 GMT 1999
My $0.02 worth.....
I feel that a large portion of the messages on GM_ECM these days are perhaps
straying from the overall goal of the list.
I was once a subscriber to the FORD and EFI list, both lists in my opinion
became very "My friends 88 blah blah has developed the following fault....",
I must admit probably if I searched the archives I'd be guilty of such
things on occasion. But I for one would like to see this sort of discussion
headed off to F-Body, T-Type lists etc that already deal with these type
things, or at least continued off the list.
Afterall aren't we all here to figure what the folks at Delphi are up to?.
Somebody else mentioned the "Me too" type replies. To me a bit of common
sense here, look for the senders E-mail address and go direct...
I know I have learnt 90% of what I know on GM ECM's from others on this list
and always try to return the same consideration to 'newbies' and others who
have helped me in past. I know I wish I had a dollar everytime Bruces
'Tuning Tips' got mentioned to newbies. Maybe in the joining process to the
list people are told before you post, check out - tuning tips, prog 101,
etc, or are they already told this??.
Let me run off and put my Simpson suit on (If I had one) before the flames
Ross Myers
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