Speed limiter & new pennies
Shannen Durphey
shannen at grolen.com
Sat Nov 20 00:27:52 GMT 1999
Programmer wrote:
> Guess I thought I asked a pretty clear question. I know how to edit the
> eprom parameters--I just don't understand how the following "commands" are
> entered.
> D35A 37 START:
> D35A C6 4B 38 LDAB #75 ; cut-out mph
> D35C 96 04 39 LDAA *$$04 ; status
> D35E 85 40 40 BITA #$$40 ; 1 == fuel on in effect
> D360 26 02 41 BNE RICH0 ; bra if rich, fuel on
> D362 C6 4A 42 LDAB #74 ; mph for fuel back on
> D364 43 RICH0:
Open your hex editor that shows eprom addresses and their values.
When you get to one that looks like XXD35A, check the value there. If
it's not c6, make it c6. Make the next one 4b.
> I realize that the above numbers to the left are the eprom addresses--no
> problem. I know how to place C6 at 35A and 4B at 35B--no problem at all.
Well then, ya got it.
> It's the actual "commanded code"
Ah. This is commented code, the semicolon and everything after it are
for you and me, not the chip. They are for us to understand what the
code is doing, and would be dropped if this code were run through an
I'm clueless on. If I took some random
> numbers and stuck them in an EGR table, I don't think they're going to do
> what I want. Does that make sense ?? That's why I'd like to see this in an
> ASDU or something--it'll make sense at that point, as I have something to
> compare against...
Bear with me. From left to right, the first # is an address, the
second number is a value, the third number is a value. You know
this. The values represent instructions that the processor will
follow. The comments are for someone looking at the values. It helps
them understand what/why the values are doing what they are doing.
> >
> >How do I edit code and/or EPROM parameters?
> >I use a standard ascii editor and change whatever ascii hex
> >values I want in the EPROM image. My EPROM programmer/reader
> >can save either binary or ascii hex to disk, and I tend to
> >use the ascii hex more than the binary.
You knew enough to do it, ya just "outthunk" yourself.
Disclaimer: I'm probably completely off base here, but it works for
me. : )
Many people use
> >binary and have special windoze programs to edit the .bin.
> >I just happen to use ascii hex instead.
> >
> > Marc
> >
> >--
> > Marc Randolph - mrand at pobox.com - PGP keyID: 0x4C95994D
> > If you have any info on the mid-60's car called the Bill Thomas
> > Cheetah, or know anyone that might, please contact me.
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