Heads up code at 0x5800, and Log ram at 0x5000
Marc Piccioni
piccioni at cadvision.com
Thu Nov 25 05:00:51 GMT 1999
I posted the delco P/N's for the P6 heads up system here last year.
From: Peter Gargano[SMTP:peter at ntserver.techedge.com.au]
Sent: November 21, 1999 1:15 PM
To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: Heads up code at 0x5800, and Log ram at 0x5000
Thanks for the info. Marc,
Just for the record, has anyone seen one of these - got a photo,
or details of the controls?
Marc Piccioni wrote:
> GM use an external system to allow the calibration to be changed "on the
> fly', it plugged into the edge connector on the ECM pcb that on production
> systems is potted over. The heads up system mounted on the dashboard and
> has a LCD read out along with a controls to allow trimming of the fuel and
> timing curves. Too bad Delco never offer the system to the racing
> community.
Peter Gargano
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