ftp directory
Pat Ford
pford at qnx.com
Thu Nov 25 19:32:51 GMT 1999
As time permits <stddisclaimer.h> I have several projects
on the go and thought december is comming fast..
Previously, you (Peter Gargano) wrote:
{ Pat,
{ So, you're going to index the contents of incoming, and
{ make it available for everyone? This sounds like the best
{ idea I've heard for a long time... !
{ Pat Ford wrote:
{ >
{ > Hi all:
{ > Could someone tar/gzip the contents of the ftp directory and put
{ > it where I can get it? (maybe on the ftp site) I'm behind a firewall
{ > and can only ftp through a browser. I plan on putting the info on my
{ > webpage eventualy
{ --
{ Peter Gargano
Pat Ford email: pford at qnx.com
QNX Software Systems, Ltd. WWW: http://www.qnx.com
(613) 591-0931 (voice) mail: 175 Terence Matthews
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