Buggy GM code - was Re: 165 to late MAF
Bruce Plecan
nacelp at bright.net
Sun Nov 28 03:08:48 GMT 1999
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Gargano <peter at ntserver.techedge.com.au>
To: <gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 1999 9:13 PM
Subject: Buggy GM code - was Re: 165 to late MAF
I meant to say 069A, Think I could blame this error on Doc?.
Naa, I snoozed
| Bruce, just where you were looking at the MAF tables, at line LC6A9,
| a table, the entry for 34.1 g/Sec (at location $C6AE, or offset $06AE)
| has an FCB value of 182. Now in fact, the BUA binary has a value of 132 in
| location - 132 - 182 - Obviously the GM coder who made the ROM table was
| reading 182 and typed 132 (an obvious visual mistake!) - and the ECMguy
| the error, and plugged in the correct value !!!! (this was one of the
| differences between the .PDF listing and the .BIN that started me
| about which was correct - the listing or the binary).
| So, for those people running an unmodified BUA EPOM, consider changing
| your MAF table at offset $06AE from $84 to $B6. Now, I can't say if
| make any darned difference, but, it's an example of buggy GM PROMs !!!
| Bruce Plecan wrote:
| >
| > Going by what I read in the ecmguy's HAC the 165 MAF is Frequency.
| > Starting at 069A (ref BUA), we have the Ld var for scaling LV8 Scale
| > Factors,
| > and just before that we have MAF frquency 34-150 Hz, sounds like
frquency to
| > me.
| > Grumpy
| >
| > | Waaait a min, how are you getting around that the new GM MAF is
| > | and the old is voltage? Build a translator box for freq to volt?
| > | At least with the Porsche 928 MAF it wouldn't need any translation...
| > | Maybe one of the code wizards can rewrite the code so it can use a
| > MAF?
| > | I'm awaiting this as I want to start modifing my 89 and one of the
| > | things that I want to upgrade is the entire air inlet tract
| > | Tom
| > |
| --
| Peter Gargano, Tech Edge Pty Ltd., mailto:peter at mail.techedge.com.au
| http://www.techedge.com.au/peter.htm http://www.techedge.com.au/
| Ph: +61 2 6251 5519, Fax: +61 2 6251 6646, mobile: +61 15 289 172
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