165 to late MAF

Mark Romans romans at pacbell.net
Sun Nov 28 06:07:00 GMT 1999

Hey Tom, what's the pn for the 928 maf?  Do you have any measurements?  Like
ID in inches?
OD in inches?  What are you going to use it on?
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Matthews <tmatthew at stny.lrun.com>
To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu <gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Saturday, November 27, 1999 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: 165 to late MAF

>Then either the hack is wrong, or it is a unused part of code, or the ECM
>has its own Voltage to frequency converter.
>Looked in my service manual for troubleshooting MAF on Chevy- 2.8's are
>frequency, and you read those with a DVOM that reads freq, or a tachometer.
>Bosch hot wire TPI MAF's are voltage output.
>To further your testing if needed, I have a brand new Bosch 88-89 TPI MAF,
>still in the box, with screens and fins still unmolested. Would be happy to
>loan it out to you for the winter as it is a spare, as I won't be driving
>Bird this winter...
>PS- Glad that you are home- how are you feeling?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Bruce Plecan <nacelp at bright.net>
>To: <gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
>Sent: Saturday, November 27, 1999 8:34 PM
>Subject: Re: 165 to late MAF
>> Going by what I read in the ecmguy's HAC the 165 MAF is Frequency.
>> Starting at 069A (ref BUA), we have the Ld var for scaling LV8 Scale
>> Factors,
>> and just before that we have MAF frquency 34-150 Hz, sounds like frquency
>> me.
>> Grumpy
>> | Waaait a min, how are you getting around that the new GM MAF is
>> | and the old is voltage? Build a translator box for freq to volt?
>> | At least with the Porsche 928 MAF it wouldn't need any translation...
>> | Maybe one of the code wizards can rewrite the code so it can use a freq
>> MAF?
>> | I'm awaiting this as I want to start modifing my 89 and one of the
>> | things that I want to upgrade is the entire air inlet tract (Firebird).
>> | Tom
>> |

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