David Cooley
n5xmt at
Mon Nov 29 16:07:17 GMT 1999
At 09:48 AM 11/29/1999 -0600, you wrote:
>I guess I'm the only one who thinks one-list sucks. I'm on a list that
>runs on there and it is the SLOWEST of all that I am on, might as well be
>on digest its so slow.
I'm on 5 different lists thru onelist and get messages within 5 minutes of
them being sent (Judged by how long it takes before I see my
posts). Onelist has the option of a moderated list, where every post sits
on the admins mailbox to be examined before it's sent... Might see of the
list your on is set up that way....
>I think you guys are putting the cart before the horse and you should wait
>and see what Orin and Steve come up with. Last I knew they said that they
>were weighing the offers they had received.
We were suggesting onelist as a temporary solution until a permanent home
could be found. I'd rather have my email coming from this list with a
small ad at the bottom and maybe even slow than no list for the next month
or so until a permanent solution can be found.
A private newsgroup isn't private. They get spammed as bad as the public
one spam on this list sent everyone into an uproar a month or so
ago... How would 20-30 a day make the list feel?
Onelist is about the best public option around... With the choice of
moderated or unmoderated, open or closed (have to verify new subscribers or
ont) and built in archiving. Unlimited bandwidth helps as
well! Especially since it is FREE.
Again, this was suggested as a temporary stepping stone until a permanent
solution get's put into place. Last we heard was we had to be off this
server by Dec. 1 which is Wednesday!
David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT at
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