One-List Vote
Shannen Durphey
shannen at
Tue Nov 30 00:45:27 GMT 1999
Greg Hermann wrote:
> >this newbie votes yes
> >Mike swayze
I vote no vote needed.... yet.
> I like onelist, but this decision is up to John, Orin, and Steve. If they
> have something private set up fine. If they get desperate, Onelist would be
> OK---but it's their choice, at least until they abdicate !
Agreed! Everybody's willing to act on this "emergency", and it's
specifically been declared a non emergency. Wherever the current
members go, I'll go. But you bet I'm going to stick with JG and Orin
if they extend the effort to set up a server, too. Wouldn't it be a
shame if the efi lists get split into yet smaller groups. Fewer
contributors in each, possibly less to offer, can't be good. Does a
"Onelist" list suffer from lack of maintenance? Is it even "our"
list? What happens if some well meaning newbie posts a file that
shouldn't be posted? Could "our" list be cancelled? Is there any
chance that "Onelist" will fall a victim to some new corporate policy,
and leave us having the same conversation in a year?
> Private would certainly be better, at least in my mind, but no lists at all
> would be truly a shame!
Yes, this is true. There's a fair amount of time left, and there's no
lack of enthusiam to keep things going. There will be another place
to get together, I'm confident about that.
> I thought we had till the first of the year to do something, John et al
> have been silent on this over the holiday, but that's surely
> understandable--let's give them a reasonable chance to let us know what's
> up!!
If setting up a new list on Onelist takes some type of registration,
let's cover our mules and "reserve" whatever we need to. But only as
a "Plan B". For years, JG (with help) has kept this list, and has
allowed quite a bit of freedom of topics considering the charter. I
think a Onelist vote now is like scrambling for the lifeboats at the
first sign of trouble. Maybe we ought to wait for a report from the
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