Intro and project

Brent Obermiller ober_b at
Mon Oct 11 03:47:52 GMT 1999

Hi Bob,

I can tell how "not" do your VSS.  In my '78 Caprice I took the speedo
out painted the disc/cup looking thing flat black and shined (steel wool
and clear coat) the "u" shaped bar thing inside it. Drilled a hole in
the case, similar to the '84 cavalier assembly I had on hand.  Assembled
it, using the Cavalier pickup. VSS reads great, the speedo never really
read right again. Not sure whether it was the paint (impeding the
magnetic field and the resulting eddy current) or user error.  Do
however get an '82 or newer optical pick-up(12 volts and yellow in
color), as '81 pick-ups (blue) require the 8 volts provided by the
Comp-Carb computer. If you can find an eighties car with a similar sweep
you could pur your face on it.  I believe the odometer numbers can be
mounted high or low in the assembly (i.e. it's sort of universal).  If I
recall correctly, '71 Cutlass speedo's are round and read to 115, so
camaro or firebird (may be a FWD pontiac) are you only hope. Of course,
a good speedo shop should be able to recalibate a late model mech to
your face but that would be *too* easy.

Let me know how it goes. There's an 79 Trans-Am 403 w/ a Dick-Miller cam
and 72 350 heads (larger valves) in the works for a similar setup in a
'82 Delta 2 door. However, I was thinking a Holley TBI w/o a tower and
using the 7747 w/ a external driver adapter.  (So you can see I'm
excited about today's messages.)


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