MAF vs. SD

Bob Valentine bob at
Wed Oct 13 03:52:38 GMT 1999

Thanks for all the replies about what to do for a VSS.... seems I've got
plenty of solutions now.   Big question now is still do I keep the '165 and
stay MAF, or try and get a '730 and go SD.

>From what I've read so far, SD seems to be more tuned to the exact
application so it would reason that I'd be better off with MAF since the VE
of my motor is probably nothing like a Chevy motor, much less my
displacement is higher and my intake volume/config is nothing like a TPI.

Also, is the current cal I have VATS?   ('89 165, APYU cal)

Is there a problem bypassing the heater connections on the IAC body on a
TPI throttle body?   This installation's pretty ugly as it is.... if I can
leave that off it would make life easier.   

--> Bob Valentine
--> bob at

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