burning chips
Carl Summers
intech at writeme.com
Mon Oct 18 19:57:08 GMT 1999
Hi Mike,
The best deals I have found are on ebay. http://www.ebay.com do a search
for eprom and look at them for a few days to get an idea what you want..I
have already bought two more off there and another HUGE erasure.....Contact
JDR microdevice for a datarase 2 erasure, should be less than $50.00 and
will suit you fine for small tasks. They also sell eprom burners starting
under $200.00 if that suits you...I have used JET or Hypertech adaptor
boards that allow you to plug in your mem-cal into it and change your eproms
easily,,,,then when done erase your gm eprom and reprogram it. JDR also
sells new eproms cheap. I can't remember their phone number off the top of
my head but it's an 800 number so 1-800-555-1212 should be able to get it
for you...they're in San Jose, CA.....hth's
> In a message dated 10/18/99 12:38:33 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> mrolica at meridian-mag.com writes:
> << Subj: burning chips
> Date: 10/18/99 12:38:33 PM Pacific Daylight Time
> From: mrolica at meridian-mag.com (Mike Rolica)
> Sender: owner-gmecm at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu
> Reply-to: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
> To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu (Gmecm (E-mail))
> Can some one point me in the right direction for a used e-prom burner uv
> eraser Chips for my 165 ECM, and mabee a diacom?
> I have this Mt 2500 snap on scan tool, kinda useless to me as the stuff
> required to save data to a laptop is expensive, especially the updates.
> Mike Rolica
> EXT. 260
> :-) >>
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