CSH-HQ nacelp at
Thu Oct 21 19:17:36 GMT 1999

Hmm, being 11th grade drop outs, I guess, we missed another boat, drat

Dopey, and Sneezy  Well, as long as the reast of the list gets it, I guess 
that's fine, but the earls sheet gives it to you witthout the need for a 
calculator/abycuss <g>.

>Now due to the law of conservation of energy :-)
>E1=E2=E3   along any point of the pipe(
> Wp(a)1/y+ v(a)2/2g= wp(b)1/y+ v(b)2/2g
>So eliminating values of zero and w we get p(a)/y= (v(b) 2 -v(a)2 )/2g
>using continuity equation Aava=Abvb where vb=va(Aa/Ab)
>Now with gr 12 math skills you should be able to finisher up
>Mike Rolica 
>EXT. 260

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