HELP ME!! ecu files/ CSH Update

CSH-HQ nacelp at
Thu Oct 21 19:37:17 GMT 1999

I've been cleared for unsupervised outdoor exerise (that's a big deal here).
Mon., should be moving to different building for a test at independent 
living (have to have a family member present), to also learn all the meds., 
side effects, and what to do if I have a reaction to a med., or rejection.
If all goes well Sat the 30th will be inna big tin bird flyin home.

>Did I get your attention?  Can someone please email the
>APYP_7165_89vette.ecu & APYP_7165_89vette.ecu.txt from the ftp site as I
>suck and can't get onto it:-)
>Sorry about previous post, I realized after that I should have searched the
>archives before I had a brain fart and posted a question I had already
>previously posted....
>SN. Hey Bruce how are ya doing today?  Haven't had an update lately. 
>Mike Rolica
>EXT. 260
> :-)

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