When asking ecm questions

Frederic Breitwieser frederic at xephic.dynip.com
Sun Oct 24 07:12:16 GMT 1999

> To use the GN code you'd probably need to use the MAF off of a GN.

I used the FWD harness, the FWD ECM, the GN code, and the GN MAF
(aftermarket replacement, gave the FWD one as the core <G>)

> Without installing a wastgate (load or disabling the malfunction flag),
> you'll set a code for it not being there.  I'd have to see a diagram for the
> EGR diagnostics, for the two but that might be different.

Yes, you do get a code.  Ignore it.  The engine did dyno/run properly
without the wastegate and the codes spewed out.

> If you have a GN, you can use the FWD computer (same part number)
> with the GN code and not have to change the harness.  That is my
> understanding.  Am I correct?

Yes, I was incorrect in my original statement.  I did move wires, but
that was to make the engine/ecm run on the dyno.  Didn't have a car
handy :)


Frederic Breitwieser
Xephic Technology
769 Sylvan Ave #9
Bridgeport CT 06606

Tele: (203) 372-2707
 Fax: (603) 372-1147
Web: http://xephic.dynip.com/

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