Tailor made patches?

CSH-HQ nacelp at jvlnet.com
Mon Oct 25 23:03:18 GMT 1999

75 with a boat dual plane. Shut one off,  I'd be surprised if enough fuel
for detonation.  Even so .1 sec at 2000rpm.  Yes I drive it first, before 
long terming it.  But, I'm comfident in it working.

>I presume killing one of the 2 injectors is enough to take us from power
>enrich mode directly to "way too lean to even fuel a fire" without fear of
>the "lean/grenade" status in the middle?
>Too bad EGR wouldn't have enough flow, otherwise it'd be a nice soft
>I'll let you guys decide, but it seemed prudent to point out the obvious
>in this case. 

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