First time EFIer's

CSH-HQ nacelp at
Tue Oct 26 19:18:38 GMT 1999

Tust me I know who is doing their homework.

>Well said bruce!  I just hope you don't have the same attitude about me :-)

It's about an attitude, that if I get some info., that I agree with then 
it's right.  May or maynot be true.

Getting the theory cyrstal clear, is what matters, leave the "ego" and 
agreement seeking at home.

Seems like there are any number of folks quiting after a couple weeks..
Maybe just me, but I want everyone to succeed at this EFI stuff.
Trust me, I'm dead ass wrong every once inna while.
Yep, even with research staff here, dim lighting skiing accidents 
medications, we sometimes just flat screw up.  

>I think I have the theory down, it is just some of the details.  I spent
>months and months doing research on just  gm's TPI.  When I first put the
>motor in my S10, I was only 17  years old.  I read, re read and read again
>the operation of all sensors, wiring schematics, ect in the oem manual
>before attempting to any thing.  I sat down beside the harness and motor
>with the book and followed everything thru until I was absolutely sure I
>knew what was going on.  Now years later I've done research on the
>characteristics of a TPI, and built my motor accordingly.  I'm' not looking
>for approval, but trying to get as much info on the programming part of it.
>So far each has been a success.  I don't think I need approval on a tpi when
>it makes over 400ft-lbs from 2200-4800 and 385 hp with throttle response
>from hell and an average of 24mpg(us:-)). I've sat back for months  watching
>posts, then I stuck my head out.  I got the software, spent hours reading
>archives and mucking with bin files looking at them with promedit tunercat,
>winbin and even hexedit until I had a slight idea what was going on. I read
>books and surfed sites about hex c+ programming etc.  I know ecmguy's,
>ludis,s and mikes site off by heart.  I've probably been there 100 times and
>read the info as much as well.  I also read programming 101 100's of times.
>Any thing I didn't understand, I  researched it before I asked questions.
>Efi is not simple stuff that you can learn in a day, which I knew before I
>built my motor, it is also not cheaper, nor does it make wads more power or
>fuel mileage.  I went efi because I find it interesting, and I'm like a
>sponge.... Information is my water :-) As of now I'm still wearing a very
>large CSH.  
>Mike Rolica
>EXT. 260

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