When asking ecm questions

CSH-HQ nacelp at jvlnet.com
Tue Oct 26 19:43:33 GMT 1999

>Old??? Who is old?? How old are you?


 Better how old do you feel?

In my head 21, body varies somewhat on pain level, can be 90 do to spinal 

  Age is in
>the mind not in the body! 

That is often said by young guys, being 50 and having some good eye hand foot
control takes more practice then at 21.

 I figure Bruce must be 22-30, since old people
>are stuck in the past are they not?  

A student of Dale Carnegie, ehh

Is it not the old people that swear by
>the carb?

I still do, only advantage for a performance car (NA) is when approaching 1G 
you don't have a fuel stacking problem, and better distribution in sustained 
  Give me a IR manifold, and some downdraft webers, and I'd bet I could beat 
a gm style TPI.  For torque, and HP.
  Emissions (especially cold), and better ignition timing control is where
EFI outshine all the other stuff.

 Probably because their mind is old, ram is full, can't fit any new
>stuff in it, communication slow.........sorta sounds like a C3 eh?
>Have a nice day.
>Mike Rolica
>EXT. 260

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