Injector Sizing

Frederic Breitwieser frederic at
Wed Oct 27 21:19:40 GMT 1999

Howdy John,

> BUT, getting the gm computer (and this is where I'm going to get slammed, sorry
> to offened anyone) to work in this situation is kinda tuff.  Why would you go

Offend away :)

> and get a MOTEC or HALTEC unit that is specifically designed for this type of
> application?  Yes they are expensive, but if you are going to spend the 5-10

I have used Haltec and Electromotive Tec II before, and in fact, during
the mopar twin-turbo stroker thing we used the ignition portion of the
Tec II to fire up the engine, since the HEI dizzy wouldn't do anything
really well without the ECM working, which it didn't seem to.  Anyway, I
agree, they are more expensive, but my motivation for using GMECM is a
little less interesting.

See, I have this Dodge truck, and this caddy power everything body
harness, and this caddy digital dash... and this GM steering column with
tilt, cruise, etc that bolted right into the truck (75 dodge trucks use
a sawginaw steering box, and the caddy steering column bolted right to
it - go figure :)

Not a noble reason, I assure you.

I have a V8 Tec II, and there is nothing stopping me from bolting it on,
other than I want too many toys that are dependent on other things. 
Easier to use GM everything.

In theory :)


Frederic Breitwieser
Xephic Technology
769 Sylvan Ave #9
Bridgeport CT 06606

Tele: (203) 372-2707
 Fax: (603) 372-1147

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