was beating horses..now maf flow

David A. Cooley n5xmt at bellsouth.net
Fri Oct 29 21:58:27 GMT 1999

At 02:36 PM 10/29/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Which I've hear too in the archives 255= 5v the max the maf will output.
>Think I would rather go map than screwing with the maf, seems to be a lot

Well, The hex value for 5V is 255, but that 5V value of 255 doesn't mean 
255 g/s...
The MAF may produce it's max voltage at 160g/s, 255 g/s or 700g/s  Depends 
on the MAF as to what max really is.  The cal just has to know how the 
curve is and what it means (IE: .75V=37g/s etc...)

            David Cooley N5XMT           Internet: N5XMT at bellsouth.net
      Packet: N5XMT at KQ4LO.#INT.NC.USA.NA   T.A.P.R. Member #7068
    Sponges grow in the ocean... Wonder how deep it would be if they didn't?!

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