my bad prom

Mike Rolica mrolica at
Fri Sep 3 11:23:19 GMT 1999

OK so I know my prom is junk.  It's a hypertech (no It is not the piggy
back type-165ecm)now my OEM prom needs a signal from the vats module
(5v at 30hz square wave) I have the OEM service manual from gm (it is the one
that the mechanics use at the dealership, it's about 4"thick) I have access
to allot of them (86-96 and EFI gm car/truck) If anybody is interested just
email me. I can scan what you need and send it to you.  Anywayz,  the signal
the vat needs, is the amplitude of the wave from 0-5v or is it -5v - +5v?
How can I build something to bypass this?
Mike  Rolica :)
mrolica at
EXT: 260

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