ALDL data stream for 1994 5.7 TBI

Maverick maverick at
Mon Sep 6 21:36:12 GMT 1999

At 11:46 PM 9/4/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anyone know what ALDL data stream is for Chev p/u 1994 5.7 TBI?

First, I've got a '93 K-Blazer - with a TBI engine.  It's nothing like any
TPI 5.7's data stream I've ever seen.  Have you been able to communicate
with it at all?  And if so, do you know how many bytes of data the thing's
sending back?  Aside from that - what mode do you plan on communicating
with the thing in (ie just requesting the diagnostic steam or looking at
specific memory addresses)?
It'll take me a bit to dig up the documents, but let me know if you think I
can help.

ND Holmes
 Nathan D. Holmes   maverick at, ndholmes at
   122 Shepard #3  Box 328  Gilbert, IA 50105  Iowa State University - EE   PH: 515-663-9368

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