Premium Fuel select+Humor

CSH-HQ nacelp at
Thu Sep 23 15:57:29 GMT 1999

Can anyone with certainty explain the fuel selection in the syty (749) code.
Or any other gm bin.
If it fails the "test" does it just retard the timing x degrees
  Two guys golfing,
one stops for a cigar, but has no light
second guy pulls out 12" Bic to light it
First guy goes where ya get that?
Second, I got a genie, ya want one wish?
Sure,  I want a million bucks
Abbracadabra, the whole sky fills with ducks..
First says I said bucks, not ducks.
second guy, well the genei is a little hard of hearing,
do you really think I asked for a 12" Bic?. 

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