Premium Fuel select+Humor

David Cooley n5xmt at
Thu Sep 23 16:34:46 GMT 1999

At 10:57 AM 9/23/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>Can anyone with certainty explain the fuel selection in the syty (749) code.
>Or any other gm bin.
>If it fails the "test" does it just retard the timing x degrees

On my old 95 LeSabre 3800 V6, it had a low octane timing table and a high 
octane table...  The test would determine which table it used, and if it 
used the low table, it used a recovery function to "migrate" the timing 
towards the high table.  The test ran all the time as well so if the 
conditions were met it would revert to the high table.

David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT at
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