EPROM tuning head start
Shannen Durphey
shannen at grolen.com
Wed Aug 9 22:39:06 GMT 2000
WEG1192 at aol.com wrote:
> Shannen, yea, I know all that. I already have '92 Camaro TPI retrofitted to
> one car with 7730 ECM with speed density harness. I liked it so much that I'm
> getting rid of the carb on the Jeep (my other car) and putting a port FI
> single plane intake on the Jeep. Then if all goes well, I have some guys
> lined up to let me put port FI on their Jeeps too. That's why I need a
> "versatile" chip to work on all these Jeeps. I won't have the time (at least
> not for what they are paying me) to tune each Jeep individually.
This sounds like a workable plan, if all the jeeps are the same as
yours. Same gears, same tire size, same engine, yadda yadda. It will
prolly be close enough to run in most cases, but you've just turned
yourself into another one of the guys that makes a mostly close chip.
Worse, it's for your friends. My advice is to charge more, do it for
fun, or don't do it.
Kinda like changing 7 out of 8 plugs on a buddy's car, and saying
"e didn't pay me enough for 8". Shouldn't happen.
> What about mapping the dist curve of the stock Jeep distributor with a timing
> light, tach, and vacuum gauge and vacuum pump as a way to get the spark table
> in the ballpark? Is the vacuum and mechanical advance in a stock distributor
> pretty close to "perfect" or way off usually compared to an EFI tuned vehicle?
You're limiting yourself soo much that way. No mechanical dizzy will
allow you the range of timing that the ecm does. Copy a mechanical
dizzy, get mechanical dizzy-like performance.
> Yea, I had already decided to use the latest GM bin from a '92 Camaro Z28
> MEMCAL to get the most recent bin to start with. But from the archives, I get
> the feeling that the Jeep may need a less aggressive timing curve.
You'll know for sure when you get the project finished. : )
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