Shorty plugs (off topic)
Shannen Durphey
shannen at
Sat Aug 12 01:27:35 GMT 2000
FYI, to anyone who's interested...
Ceramic boots are also available from Powerpath, for BBchebby. They
look the same, just don't say "Jacobs". They also work great in med.
duty trucks, where manifold/head sealing is prone to failure. Regular
boots with hi tech insulation won't last a day. Ceramics last a
couple of seasons.
Bruce Plecan wrote:
> Jacobs has some ceramic end plug wires, I've never used them thou
> Firebraid (?) has some real good high temp sleeve stuff
> If you have less then 1/8" clearance around what ever you use, you'll never
> solve the problem, there has to be an air gap....
> Grumpy
> From: "Dave Zug" <dzug at>
> > Sorry I'm pullin my hair out. I NEED to find a source for 3/4" (long
> thread)
> > "shorty" spark plugs for header clearance problems. The common cure
> (accel)
> > only makes the short thread style that are wrong for my alum heads. I have
> > tried filing the top 1/8" and have banged a ding in the headers AND put
> heat
> > shield thingys on the wires but eventually (3 weeks!) the wires burn.
> > I'm sure with the other interests of most on the list there must be help
> > here.
> > OFFLIST PLEASE, unless you think its ON topic.
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