ECM for 4cyl &Altitude (was 747 & 4cyls)
Bruce Plecan
nacelp at
Wed Aug 23 02:58:15 GMT 2000
> > There's a problem here.
> > The TBI is gonna want to fire the injectors per the factories strategy
> > that is based on P+H injectors which can operate jus fine at about 1/2
> > pulse width of a Sat one.
> > So that is a big glitch.
> Lost me. What is P+H or Sat?
Peak and Hold, low resistance injector (usually around 2 ohms)
Saturated, higher resistance
the TBIs use the P+Hs since they first so much more often
> > Forgot to ask, DIS or Distributor?.
> DIS, no provision for a distributor on the Soob.
> > Injector sizing may be an issue to.
> In what way?
So x% change in adjustment leaves enough head room for that.
> > Have you taken a gm MAP sensor aloft and recorded the output with a 5v
> > source / ground, might need to know rather early how this looks.
> > While a stock engine might idle at 40 K/Pa at sealevel, and reach 96 out
> of
> > 98 K/Pa at WOT, what is ambient K/Pa at altitude
> > This is something where you might just want to get a full time baro
> > and that would have to be with Johns 730 stuff.
> Sounds right on my thinking.
> > The more I think about it the Baro is probably gonna be a mandatory
> > or you'll be futzin with the AFR all the time.
> What's the lowest K/Pa the sensor/ecm can function properly at? I was
> hoping for a system that I don't need to adjust AFR during flight.
20-30 K/Pa depending on calibration
> Andy (sloooooooooooowly catchin on.... need input)
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