ECM for 4cyl &Altitude (was 747 & 4cyls)
Andrew Plunkett
aplunkett at
Wed Aug 23 03:17:59 GMT 2000
> Peak and Hold, low resistance injector (usually around 2 ohms)
> Saturated, higher resistance
> the TBIs use the P+Hs since they first so much more often
Perfect. Just need a 4 cyl, TPI, MAP system. Simple huh?
> > > Forgot to ask, DIS or Distributor?.
> > DIS, no provision for a distributor on the Soob.
Some Clarity, I am uncomfortable with the compromises neccesary for the
distributor mounted at the back of the head.
> Drat
Uh, Oh.... why?
> 20-30 K/Pa depending on calibration
What are the GM MAP sensors capable of? Or is it more what the ECM is
capable of?
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