Last injector question... probably
Bruce Plecan
nacelp at
Wed Aug 23 20:43:01 GMT 2000
> Sorry, should've been more specific. Daily driver Vette with worked
> heads and intake with exhaust to come when money tree grows, automatic,
> 3.07 gear, can take revs, but cam should peak at 5000 or 5500, about
> 3400# with driver, just a fun daily driver to play with. Slight
> possibility of a supercharger in the distant future, but chances are
> it'll be N/A for a long while.
> I think I know why the revving car with a manual would want 30's, but why
> would the drag car want 24's?
Just the way the engine works against the converter.
The converter can supply a mechanical leverage as high as 2:1. So the
engine can pull thur the slippage easier then the instant lock of a manual
at gear change.
> I was thinking about the GN's per the previous threads, but I'd have to
> get them cleaned and balanced and the cost would quickly add up.
You need more friends.
I've been able to trade and get bits done for free.
I from time to time, have had extra sets of GN injectors, for various
projects and bought sold probably 8 sets (BTW, just got out of them what I
had in them, I don't do this as a money maker).
Anyway, 2 sets at $30 a set is 60 bucks and you have 4 spares. Really hard
to get upside down in this kinda deal.
> seemed like the $210 SVO's would be better because they are new. Am I
> thinking right?
If you like spending money.
there is always the chance of a FUBAR'd new injector also.
Trash tank of fuel, and they're all gonna need some chemical run thru them.
> Thanks.
> On Tue, 22 Aug 2000 21:05:30 -0400 "Bruce Plecan" <nacelp at>
> writes:
> > Heavy or light?.
> > Lots of gear, or top end?
> > Manual.
> >
> > Manual light road racer 30s
> > 3spd heavy drag 24s probably better.
> >
> > planning eventually for more HP?.
> >
> > Why not spend $60 for a couple sets of GN injectors and try the 30s
> > Even wind up with spares thata way
> > Bruce
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