Off: Shoulda had ABS on the Hard Drive
Shannen Durphey
shannen at
Wed Aug 30 02:09:42 GMT 2000
LOL. But the newspaper report doesn't mean you weren't sniffin too
much race fuel. : )
Next up on the DIY list: Race harness for laptops.
ECMnut at wrote:
> I think I did something similar a couple months back..
> It created a physical hard error on the hard disk..
> It was dusk, and I was in the Syclone, doing thunder-runs
> with the laptop connected, trying to make the perfect strip chip.
> Just after a good 0-80 blast, I was coasting about 20mph and
> glancing forward while mostly looking at the laptop on the seat.
> Just then I saw a pig standing 20 feet in front of me.. I'm talking about
> acurly tail, fat litlle pink body, and flat nose.. I stomped on the
> brake pedal with both feet and stopped short of the bacon, but
> the laptop slammed against the dash, then fell into the passenger footwell.
> When I told her about the pig in the road behind the house,
> My wife said I was sniffing too much race gas, but a week later,
> she was reading the local gossip paper's police blotter, which had
> a report of a loose pig in our area, that broke into some garbage bags
> and upset some homeowners..
> Mike V
> In a message dated 8/28/00 11:36:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> shannen at writes:
> > A small "PC fender bender" Sunday afternoon caused the loss of about
> > 40K worth of data from one of my hard drives. Some creative thinking
> > and lots of patience kept the damage to a minimum. So far, the only
> > things lost were a couple of freebie utilities and (of course), just
> > enough of Netscape to keep me from getting back online right away. So
> > without further ado I will go about catching up with the mail.
> >
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