Was Ramjet now L31
Marc Piccioni
piccioni at cadvision.com
Sat Dec 16 00:01:10 GMT 2000
To run more than .500" lift you need to change the valve springs & retainers to get additional installation height.
From: Chipsbyal at aol.com[SMTP:Chipsbyal at aol.com]
Sent: December 15, 2000 7:24 AM
To: gmecm at diy-efi.org
Subject: Re: Ramjet
The RamJet uses the MEFI3 marine PCM. It is a speed density system, however
it is not a "true" speed density system. There are no "VE" tables or injector
constants to be calibrated. All injector pulse widths are directly taken from
the fuel tables. This PCM if properly recalibrated can use O2 feedback. One
more thing, the L31 heads are valve lift restricted. I'm not sure of the
exact spec, but I've heard .500 is about it.
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