knock knock goes the jeep....

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Sun Jan 2 16:09:18 GMT 2000

Drat, I like this one thou <g>.
Anyone have the whole URL for the "Denso List"?.

| >Boy it would be nice to have an adjustable knock sensor.
| >Just to take the edge off of it's sensitiveity, not that there aren't
| >mechanical means to do it, but to have it tunable from in car.
| >  Anyone have any thoughts about increasing the EST test advance, and
| >using a simple resistor divider network for tuning down the sensitivity?.
| >Grumpy
| Hey Bruce,
| You're on the wrong list, you need the Denso List!!!.
| With Toyota stuff they advance as much as possible till they detect knock
| then set that as the limit, but it seems to be a continual process, If
| is disconnected they run terrible.
| Ross Myers

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