16176424 PCM pinouts

Peter Gargano peter at ntserver.techedge.com.au
Sat Jan 1 02:45:33 GMT 2000

Here are the 16176424 pinouts as used for the V6/V8
VR holden (1993-1995). This has been transcribed from
pages 7C2-48 and 7C2-49 (4-26-93 NS 14059, 14062) of
the GMH VR Holden Service Manual.

A1  Fuel Pump Relay
A2  2-3 Shift Solenoid ctrl
A3  1-2 Shift Solenoid ctrl
A4  not used
A5  A/C relay ctrl
A6  not used
A7  CEL/SES lamp ctrl
A8  Cooling Fan relay ctrl
A9  TCC solenoid ctrl
A10 Fuel usage output
A11 3-2 ctrl solenoid
A12 Cranking signal (V6 only)

B1  Economy/power switch
B2  Range Signal C
B3  Range Signal B
B4  Range Signal A
B5  VSS signal high
B6  VSS signal low
B7  Pressure control solenoid high
B8  Pressure control solenoid low
B9  Camshaft position sensor
B10 Crankshaft 18x signal (V6 only)
B11 not used
B12 A/C request signal

C1  Fused ignition feed
C2  System earth
C3  System earth
C4  Map ref Voltage
C5  TPS signal
C6  IAC A high
C7  IAC A low
C8  IAC B high
C9  IAC B low
C10 MAP sensor signal
C11 Primary ALDL
C12 VSS sensor signal (speedo)
C13 o2 sensor GND
C14 02 sensor signal
C15 Fuel Injector control 
C16 Fuel Injector control 

D1  Battery Voltage Feed
D2  IAT/MAP sensor GND
D4  TPS reference voltage
D5  ESC (knock) signal V6
D6  Diagnostic "Test" enable
D7  Injector voltage monitor line
D8  not used
D9  IAT sensor
D10 not used
D11 EST output
D12 BYPASS ctrl
D13 REFERENCE signal low
D14 REFERENCE signal high
D15 Transmission fluid temp signal
D16 Engine Coolant temp signal

Peter Gargano

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