DIS vs Dist. -- was Re: Beretta PROM use...

Peter Gargano peter at techedge.com.au
Sun Sep 10 19:45:51 GMT 2000

Bruce Plecan (possibly/maybe/maybe not) wrote:
> This is what I don't understand ..
> 1. A DIS has two air gaps; one for each spark plug.

Hey Bruce, what happened to "quoted text"?

Is it a switch (option) in Outlook you've changed?

without those quotes any reply is hard to sort out
what your saying from what someone else is saying!

Also, there should be an option so that you always
reply in text rather than what the original person
you reply to wrote.

I can't tell you because I can't afford to have the
security flaws that Outlook has - I use Netscape

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