Closed Loop Disable in $6E

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Tue Jan 30 20:17:53 GMT 2001

Closed loop enable of 107dC ??
That's higher then normal operating temp..

FWIW, I usually use lower then stock enable temps when I'm done.
Why waste the gas, when you have the cal right, no need to wait around.
My TCC enable is like 50dF, and
C/L is about 90dF, I think


> Simply out of curiousity (I'm going to burn a chip and try it for the
> halibut) the value at $445 in $6E is $6B.  If I use Craig Moates' Qbasic
> code for 165 ALDL comm it equated to 104.45 deg (assume F) using the
> following formula:
> degF = (HEX_VALUE * .75 - 40) * 1.8 + 32
> If I assume it simply correlates to direct temp then it is either 107degF
> 107degC.  Any idea which way is right?  Just curious mind you.
> Thanks for the help!!!  I got discouraged when I thought I might not be
> to tune this car in open loop to see if I could get the mileage up before
> taking other more drastic measures.
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Plecan [mailto:nacelp at]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 12:45 PM
> To: gmecm at
> Subject: Re: Closed Loop Disable in $6E
> Take say Hexshop,
> go to 0445
> set to FE
> correct check sum
> Drive car.
> My *way*
> also disable, codes  13-44-45
> I have seen a few 747s get confused by not diabling the diagnostice flags,
> so rather then risk messin around, I just do it all at once.
> Cheers
> Bruce
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