Carbureted Caprice diag codes

Louis Baiani nepti at
Tue May 15 01:40:06 GMT 2001

Does the engine run any differently now that the light is always on?  Like does
it idle really low/close to stalling?


"Keith D. Miller" wrote:

> Key "on", engine off and then ground the terminals A and B.
> Keith
> --
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-gmecm at
> > [mailto:owner-gmecm at]On Behalf
> > Of Gabe
> > Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 12:02 PM
> > To: gmecm at
> > Subject: Carbureted Caprice diag codes
> >
> >
> > Anyone have any ideas on how to flash the diagnostic codes
> > on a carbureted 305 Caprice, around 87 to 88 vintage?
> >
> > I attempted the standard method - key off, short terminals
> > "A" and "B" (the two in the upper most right as facing
> > the connector), then key "on", but that failed to yield
> > any codes.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Gabe
> >
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