Know your enemy, and then what?
Ernst den Broeder
edenbroe at
Fri Sep 14 22:35:29 GMT 2001
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ECMnut at <ECMnut at>
>To: gmecm at <gmecm at>
>Date: September 14, 2001 07:52 AM
>Subject: Know your enemy, and then what?
> >The recent disasters will take a long time to totally be realized.
> >Having grown up in a US military family, I was saddened by the fact
> >that our media has pretty much forgotten about the folks who
> >let uncle sam tell them where (on earth) to live, eat and sh*t for years.
> >You know, the people that will be called upon to avenge this madness..
> >The Pentagon was not just a symbol, but also an office full of people.
> >The military community is very much like that of police & fire.
> >They are guilded together by the simple fact that the rest of
> >society has NO CLUE what their life is like.
> >It would be nice if we could drop a bomb that removes people
> >based on their associates or their recent activity, but that won't happen.
> > I think too much about this, but my government let me down over the past
> >20-30 years. Somehow, while we crowned ourselves as "the only
> >word power", we ignored, and often contributed to, the suffering of large
> >groups of people. Our elected officials chose to finance bad
> >regimes for the sake of oil & cash. When the shit hits the fan,
> >THEIR kids & spouses are grabbed & taken to safe
> >"undisclosed locations", while my fellow citizens, who work in
> >buildings like the World Trade Center, burn to death because
> >their own government failed them miserably at some point.
> >A government has no more important responsibility than to
> >protect its people. Notice, I didn't say avenge their death,
> >although that sounds very good right now..
> >Our estemmed elected officials will have our military brother & sisters
> > drop bombs for a while and then tell us the problem is fixed.
> >Fixed as with Sadam or Momar? These folks just lowered their profile
> >a bit and kept going. They are still working against us, and now we've
> >killed some of their friends & family just to strengthen their resolve..
> >Our enemies don't live in a "safe" free country where everyone
> >has a family and a job. Many became orphans courtesy of the
> >US or israel, so their life's purpose is fairly evident..
> >Did we bomb the determination out of them?
> >Did THEY bomb the determination out of us?.
> >They aren't going to stand up & be counted. They are survivors
> >that have already lived through things that we can't imagine.
> >We (most of us) choose life over death. Our adversary believes exactly
> >the opposite, and he *WANTS TO DIE* making his mark on us!.
> >He trains for years just to have a single opportunity to do it...
> >He is not gathered in a city block with his fellow terrorists waiting
> >for our napalm or nuclear gift. Actually, all the training grounds in
> > <fill in the blank>istan are totally and completely deserted right now.
> >The perps have gone underground again.
> >Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Pakistan, Turkey, Oman, Yemen
> >and Jordan all have government officials that will denounce
> >the WTC disaster while their citizens dance in the streets and cheer.
> >At what point in history did so many people start to hate us so deeply?
> >Will you solve this dilema with more bombs & technology?
> >One guy (and his buddies) used OUR OWN TECHNOLOGY like a
> >surgeon to kick our asses a few days ago. Sure, we'll vaporize him,
> >but he is an icon to the above mentioned populations and there will be
> >a thousand more stepping in to replace him. Then we'll bomb again.
> >Sorta like Israel and the Palestinians. The more
> >it escalates, the greater the number of people who lose a family
> >member and want to exterminate the other side..
> > It just goes on, and on, and on, exponentially.
> > I wish to god we had the answer.
God already gave us the answer: Mathew 5:43-44, and Galations 5:14-15 is
what happens when nobody listens...
My $0.01 worth.
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