[Gmecm] 1227747 rpm vs gear table

David Allen davida1
Thu Jun 9 14:42:44 UTC 2005

>>> that. I am not
> really looking forward to the 100, 200, 300 chip burning, thats why i was
> thinking about the romulator, I have heard good things about that route.
> I figure i could always resell it and recover some of the expense.

  The romulator is worth its weight in gold especially if, (like me) you're
new at it.  The ability to make small changes and see what happens in
real-time is nearly indispensable.  You will save its cost in time alone
getting your engine just right, versus burning chips.  The finer details-
like idle sound, "feel" of the TCC lock speed and timing, air conditioner
kick-in IAC steps can barely be tuned any other way.
  My 72 Nova has a home-made VSS which isn't exactly operating at the right
ratio.  In other words, the car is actually going 70 MPH but viewing
scan-tool data the ECM sees only 58 MPH.  Take 58/70 and divide it out- the
ECM's miles per hour calcualtion in off by a factor of 0.829. So if I want
the torque converter to always lock above 70 MPH, I would have to put 58 in
the ECM constant controlling that function.  All of the speed-controlled
functions have to be "factored" in the calibration.
  Unless your speedometer is reading off ECM data the only time you see the
false speed numbers is when the laptop computer is displaying ALDL data.
  The 8746 ECM in this car doesn't have a speedometer calibration factor in
the EPROM where this could be fixed. (at least not that I could find)
  Just my two cents worth!

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