[Gmecm] HEI module

WopOnTour wopontour
Mon Nov 28 00:30:01 UTC 2005

You may be able to accomplish what you are saying, however you will still 
need to use SOME form if signal generator referenced/synchronized to 
crankshaft position (aka IGN REFERENCE), in order to create the raw signal 
source that produces/influences the EST output signal. So you would 
certainly need to create a digital reference signal with either conditioned 
VR or hall-effect devices that were triggered appropriately at your desired 
firing frequency.
So in short, NO IGN REF= NO EST

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Allen" <davida1 at hiwaay.net>
To: "GM-ECM" <gmecm at diy-efi.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 6:24 PM
Subject: [Gmecm] HEI module

>  Guys, has anyone expirimented with firing an HEI ignition module using
> only the EST and Bypass connections? In other words, pull "bypass" high, 
> and
> pulse the "EST" line to create a firing event without any pickup coil
> connected to the module?  I may do a bench test to see if this is 
> possible.
> Just curious if this has been tried before?
>  (I'm talking of the computer HEI units with the coil& battery plug,  GBRE
> plug, and PN connector for pickup coil.)
> Later,
> David
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