[Gmecm] comments on reorganizing lists

jb jonnbell
Thu Feb 9 05:11:34 UTC 2006

i would like to add that gmail is the solution for most of the
problems with email mentioned so far.  it has plenty of storage space
and will filter even with the web interface.  obviously any email
client will do this, but it is cool to have the web client do it too. 
the other cool thing it does is string together replies into
'conversations'.  this keeps them all in one easy to read format when
they all have the same subject line.  the other problem it solves is
searching, since it is done by google.  if you choose to use an email
client, its available offline as well.  i also prefer the email
because i dont have to wade thru posts by 12 yr olds saying that their
civic is the fastest car evar.  the other handy thing with email is
that i get all the new posts pushed to me.  i would certainly miss a
great deal of the information that passes thru this list if it were a

if anyone wants a gmail account, i have 100 invitations, email me
offlist for one

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