[Gmecm] Sunbird/$58 ALDL protocol

Robin Handley Robin
Sun Jun 4 14:45:12 UTC 2006

I've noticed different behaviour on ALDL between ANHT/$8D and Sunbird/$58
code in my '727. The ANHT/$8D seems to behave more 'sensibly/predictably.'
than the Sunbird/$58 code!

I'm currently trying to find a robust algorithm to talk to the Sunbird/$58
code. I have modified ALDLMON (which works but takes longer to lock on than
it does with ANHT/$8D) and played around with some noddy programs of my own
(not w/o some issues, which I'm still trying to get to the bottom of). Has
anybody played with ALDL from Sunbird/$58? The code chucks out $F0 $55 $BB
repeatedly. The Turbo code doc. indicates that the ALDL monitor should
reply, but does not appear to say with what. Anybody know what the correct
response is?


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