[Gmecm] a question of timing

Mike V efi
Mon Mar 13 13:29:59 UTC 2006

At 08:21 PM 3/12/2006 -0800, you wrote:

>I concur with David on the voltage/amplitude being a 5 volt signal. One 
>thing to note on these conversions. You need BOTH high and low reference 
>signal as well as the EST wire or the ecm will not fire the injectors. The 
>Bypass wire is optional but I reccomend it to prevent that pesky check 
>engine light, and it's easier to hook up than it is to disable the flag in 
>the prom. I don't know why the ecm wants all those but it does.

Hi Andrew,
I was hoping you (or anyone)  could expand on the "low" side of the signal.
am I understanding you correctly in that the square signal is between +5v 
and -5v?
I was under the assummption it was +5v and  0v.

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