[Gmecm] Modify $8D to work on MPFI 3.1L DIS engine - It RUNS

Brendan Patten bpatten
Mon Sep 4 05:38:41 UTC 2006

Here is what I have found.

1990 CAVALIER Z24 ATMF5241 $88
			location		hex		value 
Initial SA:		13			1A		9.14
Spark Ref Angle	15			AA		59.77
		Equation:  0.351563 * X + 0 used for two above

Max Adv		1D			FF E4		-19.69
Max Retard		1F			FF 39		-139.92
		Equation:  0.703125 * X + -46080.000000 used for two

All this data looks correct for a DIS v6 engine.  I looked at my
Tunerpro XDF definitions and the A1, 8F, 88 all have the exact same
values for those 4 constants.

Now here is the 88 mask 3.1L Camaro distributor

AZTY1407 FBODY 3.1L $88
Initial SA:		13			1A		9.14
Spark Ref Angle	15			1C		9.84
		Equation:  0.351563 * X + 0  same equation as above DIS
motor, same values seems logical.

Max Adv		1D			00 AB		-45956.77
Max Retard		1F			FF E3		-20.39
		Equation:  0.703125 * X + -46080.000000 same as used

Now what happened to the Max Advance????  If you use the 0.351563
equation, you get a number that makes more sense.  60.12 Degrees.

So what is going on here???

-----Original Message-----
From: gmecm-bounces at diy-efi.org [mailto:gmecm-bounces at diy-efi.org] On
Behalf Of Brendan Patten
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 11:11 PM
To: gmecm at diy-efi.org
Subject: RE: [Gmecm] Modify $8D to work on MPFI 3.1L DIS engine - It

I have been unsuccessful to get this to work on my 3.1L.  It goes into
limp mode, laptop won't communicate via ALDL port with computer.

Thomas, would you be willing to share your bin you are using, so that I
could compare ???

-----Original Message-----
From: gmecm-bounces at diy-efi.org [mailto:gmecm-bounces at diy-efi.org] On
Behalf Of Tomas J. Sokorai Sch.
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 8:36 AM
To: gmecm at diy-efi.org
Subject: Re: [Gmecm] Modify $8D to work on MPFI 3.1L DIS engine - It

On Friday 01 September 2006 00:42, Brendan Patten wrote:
> AT 8025 I put in AA 59.8
> AT 8026 I put in FFE4  -10
> AT 8028 I put in FF39  -70

Yes, something like that, the min & max advances get reversed and
and initial @60 deg.

I have a BMW I6 running with GM DIS and $8D code since last week.

Some other changes need: Cylinder select: obviously for the 8->6 cyl

You'll maybe want to change the DRP counts until running for easier
starts (or 
otherwise the ECM will take control of the ignition at 400 RPM instead
300), and the "high RPM DRPs until running"  from 8 to 6 to have nice
clean starts.
Copy the fueling and spark maps from the original app. as Ryan already 

As my retrofit was for a very different engine, I did 1001 more changes,
it *?s* possible to get a $8D running a 6 cyl. DIS engine :)

Tomas J. Sokorai Sch.
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