Heero Yuy zero_system_0_0
Sun Jun 12 04:03:01 UTC 2005

I really should rephrase my question I have the L2H2.
I have run thru the tests and the board comes out
fine. It is only until you attach the L2H2 that the
LED does not come on. Now I know the wires are
Now I have read that the CalR is ?the cal resistor is
10x the resistor found in the NTK L1H1.  You need to
measure the cal resistor, divide by 10, and replace
with a substitute."
  Which resistor on my diy-wb --PCB (version #7) do I
If I understand this correctly I change rcal # pin 9
from 270 ohms to 27 ohms? Or do you replace the rcal @
the sensor with a new resistor?  Ex:  if it measures
1200K ohms@ the sensor replace with 120Kohms?

Then I get the email 
What regulator do you have?
The LT1086 requires a 12.7 v input (J3) while the
LM317 requires 13.5 v input(J3).
The 10.35 might be just a shade too low to turn on the

So what do I do?
Do I change the LT1086 to the LM317 or change the CalR
What is the CalR?

	84 Rabbit G60

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