DIY_EFI abilities and older engines
J.W. Harris
jwharris at
Wed Dec 6 04:01:10 GMT 1995
>To: dn <dn at>
>From: jwharris at (J.W. Harris)
>Subject: Re: DIY_EFI abilities and older engines
>>and I think I've found a better unit than the stock HEI module, which fits
>>the stock HEI distributor (I think...). It has a total of seven interface
>>terminals, including a spark reference output and input which should be easy
>>to interface to. Problem is, none of the aftermarket parts catalogs that I
>>have have ANY technical info on the module itself (ie voltages, currents,
>As far as I know, there are 3 different types of HEI modules:
>The original 1975- ~80 "4 terminal" module. Ground is thourgh the bolt
holes and the other terminals are for: battery, coil-, and pickup +/-. This
is what I am currently using.
>The 5 terminal module. I think this one was used on trucks with ESC the
extra pin is "delay". Not sure how it works.
>The 1981- end of distributor 7 terminal module. This one has the terminals
of the 4 term module and three others: refrence: amplified pickup signal
>est: input signal from the ECM to fire the coil.
>bypass: input used to select refrence if the est signal is bad or the 4
wire connector to the ECM is dicconnected (To set timing).
>I think these are 5 volt signals but I'll have to check. The levels are
set to allow the ECM to detect an open, or short to battery/ground, then
bypass mode will be used and the engine will be on base (~10deg.) timing
Incidentally the direct fire systems have a similar interface.
>I have the schematics for these modules, but of course I cant give them out.
>Looking at the signals with a scope on any '80's car so equipped would be
educational and you would see what the voltage levels look like.
>>Why dual? One for the Wife?
>I needed 4 lines. Data is displayed like this:
>$aaaa: dd
>(bargraph here)
>a: address
>d: currnet value
>the s/w allows as many displays as wanted to be added using the same
subrouintes. (until you fill the memory map)
>>> The frist cut alogrithim will generate spark advance from RPM and MAP
>>Assuming you don't have access to a dynamometer, how would you generate a
>>spark timing table? Also, would there be any advantage to using a MAF
>>sensor instead of MAP?
>Using an advance timing light and the existing setup.
>Dinsconnect the vacuum advance.
>measure the timing advance at every 500 rpm or so.
>connect a vacuum pump and guage to the advacne.
>at idle (known advance) record the advance vs inches of Hg.
>enter these values into the spark advance table as a first cut.
>tweak as necessary (yes I know this could take a while.)
>I don't know if anyone does it this way but I don't intend to use the
complicated (expensive) and annoying to plumb MAF sensor. Mabye there would
be some value in experimenting with it.
J.W. Harris Delco Electronics Corp.
Project Engineer One Corporate Center
Powertrain Electronics M.S. CT40C
Kokomo, IN 46904-9005
jwharris at
Of course, all responses are my own and should not be mistaken for those of
Delco Electronics or General Motors.
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