A compleat diy-efi reference
Steve=Ravet%Prj=Eng%PCPD=Hou at bangate.compaq.com
Steve=Ravet%Prj=Eng%PCPD=Hou at bangate.compaq.com
Fri Mar 24 22:09:35 GMT 1995
Ok, folks, I have gone through the 80 or so messages that I saved in my
mailbox, pulled out references to books, papers, software, and parts, and have
collected them. It's not complete, since I didn't go through the archives
(what are they up to now, a gigabyte or so? :-)
Note that there are some holes, in some cases SAE paper numbers were listed
with no titles or anything, in other cases SAE papers were talked about but no
numbers were given. Help me fill these in if you can.
Send any corrections to me or diy_efi, and I'll update the list. I'll also
pull off interesting things I see here and add them. Enjoy....
sravet at bangate.compaq.com
***** ATTACHMENT: c:\efi_ref.txt *****
A list of references on Engine Management
Adler et al, "Automotive Electric/Electronic Systems", Robert
Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany, ISBN 0-89883-509-7, 1988.
This is the "red" handbook.
Covers all forms of automotive systems. Good general reading with
excellent coverage of basic functions like starters, alternators,
ignition, sparkplugs. Covers some detail of Bosch's fuel injection
systems. Available from the SAE on sale for $19 (order B-528).
Adler et al, "Automotive Handbook, 3rd Edition", Robert Bentley,
Cambridge, MA, ISBN 0-8376-0330-7, 1993.
This is the "blue" handbook which used to be pocket size.
Covers all forms of automotive design and systems. Good reference
source, but expressed in metric. Has conversion tables. Covers
materials well. Some data on emissions (478-489) similar to 2nd
Edition. Also has data on some of the representative automobiles from
various world companies in back section. Available from the SAE for
$29 (order BOSCH3). Price for SAE members is $23.
DaRosa -- Fundamentals of Energy Processes
Very general, with an excellent chapter or two on combustion, and
lots of other source of energy discussion. $60
Heywood, J.B., "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals", McGraw-Hill,
USA, ISBN 0-07-028637-x, 1988.
College text on IC engine design and theory. General reference on
engine topics. Also contains many references to other works. Available
from the SAE for $69 (order B-526).
Lenz, D.H.P., "Mixture Formation in Spark-Ignition Engines", SAE,
Warrendale, PA, ISBN 1-56091-188-3, 1992.
Excellent text on carbureation, combustion and fuel infection concepts.
Some important data on emissions (70-74, 249-251) with description of
trends over years. This book also published by Springer-Verlag/Wien,
NY, who translated it from German (Lenz, Gemischbildung bei Ottomotoren)
in 1990. Available from SAE on sale for $55 (order R-113). Price for
SAE members is $45. I actually bought a copy for $39 at the SAE Congress
last month.
Probst, C.O., "Bosch Fuel Injection & Engine Management", Robert
Bentley, Cambridge, MA, ISBN 0-8376-0300-5, 1989.
Covers most of the Bosch systems from D-Jetronic through Motronic.
Covers variety of vehicles. Has good section in begining on combustion
and emissions information, but a better description is in other BOSCH
texts and sources. Available from the SAE on sale for $19 (order B-557).
Jeff Hartman,"Fuel injection - Installation, Performance tuning,
Modifications" ISBN 0-87938-743-2
Publisher Motorbooks international, PO Box 1, Osceola, WI 54020
1-800-826-6600 (in the US), Reccomended Price $19.95 US.
Probably the best value for money book on EFI. The book has snippets
of everything - If it had detail on all the subjects it mentioned
it would be the definitive reference. The Audience is intended as
street rodders mainly, but there are good bits and peices for the
DIY_EFI'er - Reccomended reading.
Probst, C.O., "How to Understand, Service and Modify Ford Fuel
Injection and Electronic Engine Control", Robert Bentley, Cambridge, MA,
ISBN 0-8376-0301-3, 1993.
Covers basic engine control theory and Ford systems to 1988.
Excellent book on topic. Similar to author's other work on Bosch
systems. Available from SAE for $30 (order B-584).
Watson, B., "How to Tune and Modify Bosch Fuel Injection", Motorbooks
International, Osceola, WI, ISBN 0-87938-570-7, 1992.
Covers most of the Bosch systems from D-Jetronic through LH-Jetronic.
Mainly aimed at VW. Has good section in begining on testing electronic
components. Minimal amount of emissions information - better description
is in other BOSCH texts and sources. Cost $19.95 in 1994.
Electronic controls and sensors: proceedings of the SAE International
Congress and Exposition (1992: Detroit, MI). ISBN 1-56091-215-4.
This book is 120 pages long. Unfortunately, I do not have it (yet) as
it is in an ATT library in NJ whereas I'm in IL! If you choose to purchase
it, the ISBN and title should be sufficient for a bookstore to track it
down. I recall this book has some articles on nifty research done in
universities in Europe on adaptive controls and some stuff on a truly
exotic oxygen sensor which allows more than bang-bang control of the
a/f mixture.
Laser/Talon Tech Info Manual
Call 1-800-626-1523 and ask for the 1990 Laser/Talon Tech Info Manual
part number 81-699-9039. Shipping will probably be more than the
cost of this ~200 page book. They take plastic.
SAE (412)776-4970
SAE (412)776-0790 FAX
750346 -- HEI-A New Ignition System Through New Technology
It covers the charge time question as well at their solution. If you've not
yet read the paper, it describes some really clever innovations:
adjustable dwell depending on how near saturation, a 5.5 amp limit in
the driver so you could have a low resistance for fast saturation times at
high speeds, but that wouldn't fry at low speeds.
790742 --
Readable paper on the Ford CFI 5.0L 1980 cars. It covers most of
the 'twiddle factors' required to get the vehicle running properly.
800164 --
Covers GM TBI system. Easy reading.
810449 -- Mathematical Model of a Throttle Body Fuel Injection System
Discusses effect of battery voltage on injectors and fuel pump pressure
810494 --
810495 --
880561 -- Frequency Domain Characterization of Mass Flow Sensors,
by W. C. Follmer, 1988.
900616 -- Mean Value Modelling of Spark Ignition Engines, by Hendricks
and Sorenson, 1990.
910258 --
Discusses modeling intake manifold and fuel film dynamics.
Modeling, filtering, and closed loop control?
930856 --
Operating characteristics of Zirconia sensors.
940373 "Adaptive Air-Fuel Ratio Control of a Spark-Ignition Engine"
940379 --
Describes a new pressure sensor that they use for misfire detection,
knock control, ignition control, etc. I have a feeling that you may
be seeing these in pass. cars in the not too distant future. Still
some signal processing circuitry required but the price has to be
better than a PCB or Kistler unit.
FISITA -- Adaptive Transient Air-Fuel Ratio Control to Minimize Gasoline
Engine Emissions, by Beaumont, Noble, and Scarisbrick, 1992.
Describes an experiment performed by the EPA wherein they discover that
O2 sensors in fact do not sense O2 until they reach 800 degrees C.
Until that point they measure H and CO.
910258, 930856, and 920289 are also good. The first two are
by Elbert Hendricks and others, which are what I call essential reading.
The third paper covers operating characteristics of Zirconia sensors.
HIP9010 Harris Semiconductor
An integrated knock sensor signal processor. This thing (HIP9010) is
controlled by a microprocessor bus port, and does programmable gain,
filtering, windowing and integration. It produces an analog output
voltage for knock amplitude.
Fuel injector driver. They cost about $4.50 each from Hamilton-Avnet,
but you have to buy at least 40 or 50 at a time.
An amplifier designed especially for amplifying O2 sensor signals.
It's in National's special purpose devices book (Linear 3).
LM1949 Injector Drive Controller
SAMTEC makes QFP to PGC Adapter boards for a variety of QFP Packages.
Chip Specific Adapters "SPEC" for a variety of Motorola and Intel Chips,
SAMTEC phn 800 726-8329.
CSP3000 -- Signal processor for automotive applications
The Car Signal Processor (CSP3000) is a signal processor designed for use
in automotive applications. 24 analog inputs and 8 PWM outputs represent
the interfaces with the analog world. The digital, 12 bits wide I/O port
and two serial bus interfaces permit the exchange of digital data within
the application or between processors.
- 12 Bit RISC processor (FP)
- 256 words of internal RAM (12 bit)
- 2048 works of internal ROM (20 bit)
- internal clock generator
- 12 Bidirectional IO lines
- 2 serial ports
- up to 24 analog inputs
- 8 PWM outputs
- up to 24 digital inputs
- all digital inputs with hysteresis
- 2 independant RESET pins for FP and PWM system
- PLCC 68 package
- EMU version available in 132 pin LLCC package
MC68332 -- CPU32 modular controller
The MC68332 is one of a Motrola's family of modular architecture
controller chips. The '332 contains the following modules:
* CPU32, a 32bit M68000 style processor with all 68020 functionality
except the bitfield operations.
* TPU, a 16 bit RISC time processing unit that has 16 I/O pins
and can independently perform all sorts of time functions such as
PWM, period measurement, position synchronized pulse generation,
missing pulse detection, etc (great for engine management).
* QSM, a serial module that contains one standard asynchronous serial
port and one synchronous port.
* SIM, a system integration module that does chip selects, etc.
* 2K of onboard static ram.
The 67F687 is a high performance MSICs ( Mixed Signal Integrated Circuit )
designed to work with a microprocessor in an engine management system. Using two
sensor inputs (crank and cam), the 67F687 tracks engine position through one or
two complete revolutions with a resolution of 0.25 degrees. Designed to be
flexible, the 67F687 will accept a variety of sensor types and pulse patterns.
It generates ignition and injection output pulses based on position and time
parameters supplied by the host microprocessor, relieving it of many of the real
time interrupt routines associated with these tasks. These outputs can directly
drive power devices to actuate automotive ignition coils and fuel injectors. A
sense input from each device allows individual diagnostics, short circuit
protection and ignition coil current limiting. A timer, which measures coil
charge time at the ignition sense inputs, enhances closed loop dwell control.
Communication with a host microprocessor is through a parallel data and address
bus. A general purpose parallel I/O port offers level sensitive input and output
capability, in addition to edge detect inputs and PWM outputs.
Silicon Systems
Automotive Products
14351 Myford Road
Tustin, CA 92680 USA
Attn: Tony Anderson
Electro Corp.
1845 - 57th Street
Sarasota, FL
voice: 813-355-8411
fax: 813-355-3120
A complete line of sensors.
MC3334 Ignition controller chip.
It's an 8-pin DIP that uses a sensing capacitor to determine if the
coil was completely charged for the last spark. It adjusts the dwell
for the next spark accordingly.
PADS -- Circuit layout software.
Has all the symbols, 68000, 8031, 80x86, TTL, CMOS, etc. It seems easy
to add to this as well. Outputs Gerber, Postscript, etc. Got the copy
I have off a CDROM. Walnut Creek Simtel 10/93 collection. Anyway, try
ftp.uu.net, wuarchive.wustl.edu, ftp.funet.fi etc. The directory at
ftp.uu.net should be /system/msdos/simtel/cad. The files are padslib.zip,
padslog.zip, padspcb.zip. Dunno what the versions are.
RTEMS -- Real time OS
You can ftp it from lancelot.gcs.redstone.army.mil in /pub/rtems. Look
for version 3.1.03.
GCC -- DOS hosted cross compiler for 68000 series CPUs
There are now binaries (and the changed source files for anyone interested)
available via anon. ftp. The binaries are gcc 2.6.0 for djgpp (msdos) host
and 68000 family embedded target. The ftp address is:
ftp.lysator.liu.se in directory /pub/msdos/gnu/gcc-dos-m68k
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