On right and wrong

Peter Wales pjwales at magicnet.magicnet.net
Tue Mar 28 22:41:55 GMT 1995

Hi Matt,

I don't want to labor this point  as I think enough has been said already,
but, all Ed did was to repeat what everyone else had said, give it his seal
of approval or not and then end with a definition of Saturated. At that
point I was saturated and said so. If there had been a positive
contribution, that would have been something else but there wasn't and to
effectively plagiarise everyone elses contribution wrankled. 

In this case a line limit would have done the job, but that may not be a
good idea for other reasons. No, I think I have achieved what I set out to
do and having received a number of messages of support via E-mail, I am not
alone in my thinking. 

Now I'll let it drop, so someone get the last word in


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